Treatment of contaminated drilling sludge

Currently we see that every day water starts to be a scarce and expensive good, so the main objective is the good management of water resources, but also increasingly is becoming more aware of the ecological damage that drilling muds represent another application.

This situation causes that little by little a new treatment is being introduced in the drilling process, which is the treatment of sludge contaminated by drilling and which also represents a signifcant cost at the end of the work.

In the drilling process, its continued use of the Bentonite slurry causes it to be continually contaminated, either with sand or other mineral particles, which can be inert or even cause the sludge large variations of rheological or chemical behavior (pH , solid …). In spite of the diferent mud cleaning processes, there is a time when contamination is too high due to its
continue reusing until it exceeds the permitted levels of work, which is why we have to eliminate part of the sludge and renew it with new sludge.

New environmental regulations prevent contaminated drilling muds from being poured directly, which is why it is necessary to separate the solid phase from the liquid phase.
Currently, diferent polymers are being used to destabilize the mud, facilitating and accelerating the Solid-Liquid separation and dehydration of the Solid phase.

For this process the diferent products are used:

– Standard Polymers, which destabilize the sludge. APESBOND SERIES.
Within our products we have the BIFLOC SERIES, being a wide enough range to require a previous study in the Laboratory to select the diferent products.

– Lime is another product used for the same process of destabilizing the sludge, although its efect is good, it increases in a very important way the pH, the C.O.D. and the tons of Landfll. It would be necessary to use some acid to neutralize the pouring water and be able to pour it into the medium.

You have to know how to fnd a balance between the two products, to obtain the best result at the lowest possible cost. At the end of all the main objective is to guarantee the best a good ECOLOGY, reducing the fnal costs, and being able to recover and recycle the process.


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