Polymers are products resulting from the polymerization of acrylic acid and acrylamide, they are water soluble products. The interactions between polymer molecules increase the viscosity (number of molecules in the polymer chain).

 1- Polymers for perforation:

APESMUD 11 S (solid) granulated syntetic polymer and high molecular weight produced by interacting with the different terrains to be drilled.

Its use is recommended in 2 to 3 Kg/m3. Using some preparation system.

APESMUD 22 S (solid) granulated and extremely concentrated synthetic polymer, produced by interacting with the diferent terrains to be drilled.
Its use is recommende in 1 to 3 Kg/m3.

APESMUD 22 XT (solid) granulated and extremely concentrated synthetic polymer next generation and ultra high molecular weight, produced by interacting with the different terrains to be drilled. 
Its use is recommended in 0,5 to 1,5 Kg/m3.

APESMUD 22 L (liquid) Liquid variation of solid granulated polymer, that allows a fast interaction and reinforce the capacities of the Drilling Mud.


The main applications of the APESMUD 22 L include the control of fuid losses and a punctual increase in viscosity, allowing almost immediately with various combinations, solving problems.

For certain applications, these solutions can be added directly to the perforation, at doses of 0.2 to 0.5% approx. (Volume of mud).

All the Products are subjected to a rigorous quality control and diferent tests, to confrm your performance, results and etc. (See Safety Sheets).

2- Polymers to viscosify bentonite sludge according to needs:

APESBENT 300 (solid) New generation polymer, special for viscosifying bentonite drilling mud or slurry, in case of demands or viscosity requirements higher than Standard level
Its use is recommended in 50 to 250 gr/m3. Using some preparation system.

3- Polymers to stabilize the slurry Bentonite or lower the viscosity and to improve the sand removal.

APCRYL 86 (liquid) Special liquid polymer to stabilize the MUD/the drilling slurry Bentonite avoiding decantation or lowering its viscosity or internal cohesion, to improve desanding and to be able to reuse it for a longer time.

4- Polymers to decant sands and drilling muds, and destabilize the polymer slurries.

APESBOND 100 Synthetic liquid polymer, and its function resides basically to decant sands, waste or drilling fuids within the same excavation or in the sedimentation tank. It can be applied directly from the container or diluted.


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